

The existence of high quality formations has been known for two thousand years due to the geopark area of ​​Manisa Kula District, young volcanoes.

The great geographer of antiquity Strabo (63 BC-AD 24) named Kula as "Katakekaumene", that is, "Burnt Country", because of the coal-black basalt stones in his encyclopedic book "Geography".

Strabo wrote two thousand years ago

In his book titled "Geography": "...after crossing this field, you reach the land of Katakekaumene. In this country, there is not a single tree other than the vines where the "katakekaumenite" wines, which are not lacking in the best quality wines, are produced. He says that it is not inferior in quality to well-known Italian wines such as Falarnea and de Aminea. On page 153 of the same book, he mentions “….The land of Katakekaumene produces very fine wine, which is used both for pleasure and for medicinal purposes”.

The vineyards and their wines grown in these lands, which were also known as the Burnt Land in antiquity due to their young volcanoes, were very famous in ancient times. For example, Vitruvius (80-70 BC, AD 15) put forward the assumption that the different flavors of the fruits depend on the structure of the lands they grow, for example, he also made Katakekaumene wine. specifies.

Pliny, on the other hand, counts Katakekaumenites as worthy of mention among the foreign wines other than the wines of the Italian peninsula.

In summary, we are bringing the legendary wines of this region, which comes from the black lands of the Burnt Land and is full of fertile vineyards where the most beautiful wines in mythology, are made, to life again as "Burnt Country Wines".


OUR ties

The existence of high quality formations has been known for two thousand years due to the geopark area of Manisa Kula District, young volcanoes. The great geographer of antiquity Strabo (63 BC-AD 24) named Kula as "Katakekaumene", that is, "Burnt Country", because of the coal-black basalt stones in his encyclopedic book "Geography". Strabo wrote two thousand years ago In his book titled "Geography": "...after crossing this field, you reach the land of Katakekaumene. In this country, there is not a single tree other than the vines where the "katakekaumenite" wines, which are not lacking in the best quality wines, are produced. He says that it is not inferior in quality to well-known

Italian wines such as Falarnea and de Aminea. On page 153 of the same book, he mentions “….The land of Katakekaumene produces very fine wine, which is used both for pleasure and for medicinal purposes”. The vineyards and their wines grown in these lands, which were also known as the Burnt Land in antiquity due to their young volcanoes, were very famous in ancient times. For example, Vitruvius (80-70 BC, AD 15) put forward the assumption that the different flavors of the fruits depend on the structure of the lands they grow, for example, he also made Katakekaumene wine. specifies. Pliny, on the other hand, counts Katakekaumenites as worthy of mention among the foreign wines other than the wines of the Italian peninsula. In summary, we are bringing the legendary wines of this region, which comes from the black lands of the Burnt Land and is full of fertile vineyards where the most beautiful wines in mythology, are made, to life again as "Burnt Country Wines".
